Wednesday, April 30, 2008

San Francisco Again!

We are back in San Fran again, heading to the 2008 Make Faire. We are here 2 weeks earlier than last year, with the Faire being a whole 3 weeks early. It's fine and all, other than the fact that I just finished exams, ie: this morning. So it's been quite a day.

The flight here was rather uneventful, or rather the 3 hour wait to get on the airplane was uneventful. I'm pretty sure next time we plan on 90 minutes rather than 3 hours (longer then the whole flight here). Once we got on the plane, an Air Canada Embraer E190 we just had to wait for them to start the engines, shut down the engines and then unload a passenger's baggage who didn't make the flight then restart the engines and take off.

The flight was nice and direct, we both watch I Am Legend on the airplane, good movie, except for the dog. We landed at 8:15 PM PST in SFO, again uneventful other than the pilot actually missed the docking location, he had to turn the plane around and come back in. But I can't complain too loudly as it took us a while to get going the right direction on the 101, and when we were going the right direction even longer to get off on the right ramp which would get us to our hotel. But we've finally made it. And now we are going to bed, as it's been a very long and very busy day.

We have pictures but I'm too tired to upload them, maybe tomorrow :-) Oh, and we got bumped up from a Sebring to a Jeep Compass, the only thing Jeep about it though is the name. It's even white, but at least it's a bit bigger than the Sebring.


Peter and Lorraine said...

Ya Yippee! More adventure blogs! Can hardly wait now to read it EVERY DAY you are gone! A "Jeep"! How cool!

Brent said...

You may find once you're home you're going to have to go out and buy one for yourself :)

Eric said...

The Embrear or the Jeep? I think I might prefer the Embrear, the Jeep shouldn't really be called that, it's more of a car than anything else. Mind you I'm used to our tank.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you two - thanks for resending the link. :-) Keira's got a racetrack oval worn through the sod in the clearing and all the way around the house....she and Dhani go hard all day long. Yesterday they spent some time playing with Frankie in the living room - sounded like I had a pitbull fight going on in there. All in all, Kiera's fine!!! We are too. Thinking of you lots, and looking forward to reading updates EVERY DAY, as Mom Bouwsema said! :-)

Anonymous said...

I never thought I'd live to see the day! Keira just asked to come in, and put herself straight to bed! Will wonders never cease.....:-)